On-Street Parking
To facilitate snow removal, overnight parking on the street is prohibited between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. during the winter months: November 1 to April 15. Vehicles in violation of this ordinance are subject to ticketing and towing.
Driveway Clearing
Under New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law, it is illegal to push, blow or plow snow onto any street. If your driveway is plowed by a private contractor, both you and the plow operator may be ticketed. Snow should be pushed to the left side of your driveway so that Town plows will not push it back into your driveway as they pass.
Trash Collection
Trash is collected in Meadowbrook on Thursdays, but our collection day may be delayed by one day on the following holiday weeks:
- New Years
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day (July 4th)
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas
If the holiday falls on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, our trash will be collected on Friday. If not, it will be collected on Thursday as usual.
Please put out waste containers late on the day before collection day, and put your containers away by evening.
Based on input from homeowners and hard work by the Meadowbrook Association, our trash collection is now administered by the Town of Brighton through a tax district. The town currently contracts the pickup service to Waste Management.
Containers are normally picked up at the curb, but Waste Management will pick up containers at your garage if you are unable to move them to the curb. Call Waste Management directly at 254-3500 if you require this service.
Upon request, Waste Management will pick up large items such as appliances, mattresses, carpet and building materials. Call Waste Management directly at 254-3500 to arrange pickup.
Waste Management supplies a bin for recycling the following materials:
- paper and cardboard
- glass containers
- plastic containers
- metal cans, pans, and foilware
Click here for an in-depth look at the Monroe County recycling guidelines.

While Waste Management only provides a single (small) recycling bin, you’re welcome to buy and use as many bins as you need. And they’re equally happy to accept your recycling in a can of up to 32 gallon capacity, as long as it’s clearly marked “Recycle”. The home improvement stores sell a 32-gallon Rubbermaid Recycling Bin that is perfect — the blue color and the recycling logo make it easy to spot, and it’s just the right size for a family. As a bonus, it has a lid to keep those light recyclables from blowing around the neighborhood!
Yard Debris
Yard debris is collected in Meadowbrook on Tuesdays in spring, summer, and fall. Collection is handled by the Town of Brighton Highway Department, and generally begins in mid-April. While the collection of containerized debris usually happens about once a week, loose piles of yard debris are typically collected every second or third week. In the fall, the collection of leaves in the neighborhood sometimes stretches to every fourth week.
If you want to know when the town’s yard debris pickup crews will be working in Meadowbrook, check the map on this page of the town’s website:
The town’s guidelines for yard debris collection include:
- Grass clippings are not collected. Brighton has a grass recycling program that encourages residents to either compost their clippings or simply leave them on the lawn. Town residents may drop off grass clippings for composting at the Highway Department, 1941 Elmwood Avenue.
- Place brush, leaves, and garden debris at the curb in containers or paper bags not plastic bags or in a neatly stacked pile, no more than eight feet long, and free of sod, dirt, or wire.
- Do not place debris in the road.
- Do not mix household refuse with yard waste.
In 2016, the town added a “leaf vactor” to its fleet of yard debris collection equipment. For this giant leaf-eating vacuum cleaner to be effective, it is important that miscellaneous yard debris NOT be mixed into our leaf piles.
The town’s yard debris program is explained more fully in this 1-page PDF file.
Wood chips produced by processing collected brush are available at the Highway Department, 1941 Elmwood Avenue. Please bring your own container.
For more information, please call the Highway Department at 784-5280.
Pet Waste
Please use your own trash can to dispose of dog waste and any other trash you generate as you walk the neighborhood — not your neighbor’s garbage tote or lawn debris container, not the storm sewers, and not your neighbor’s construction project dumpster. Those things all have their purposes, but they’re not provided as a receptacle for your dog’s waste.
A poop bag deposited in a container of leaves or yard debris causes more serious problems than you might guess. Neither dog waste nor plastic are appropriate additions to the Town of Brighton’s mulch- and compost-making processes. And if the yard debris collection crew notices a bag of dog poop in a can at pickup time, they will simply leave it on the lawn with the empty can — an unwelcome gift for your neighbors!
The solution to both of these problems is, fortunately, a simple one: just carry that bag of dog poop home with you and dispose of it in your own trash. Your neighbors will thank you!
Sidewalk Maintenance
For decades, sidewalk repairs and replacement were the responsibility of Brighton residents. In 1993, the town created a Consolidated Sidewalk District to provide for the current and future replacement of hazardous sidewalks in 26 neighborhoods. Today, a modest fee on our tax bills pays for the debt service on the bonds for the replacement program, as well as for the continuing repair program.
The town periodically inspects our sidewalks to insure that they are smooth and safe, but the Highway Department welcomes a call from you if you notice a safety problem. If you feel your sidewalk needs attention, please call 784-5280.
Streetlight Maintenance
The streetlights in Meadowbrook are maintained by Rochester Gas & Electric. If you notice that one of the streetlights near your home is out, please use RG&E’s online form to report the outage:
Note: Scroll down to find the form.
Periodically, all the streetlights on a block or in the neighborhood will fail to come on in the evening. If you notice that, please don’t assume that someone else will alert RG&E; report the problem yourself using the online form.
Pothole Repair
Report the location of a pothole (address and/or nearest cross street) to the Brighton Highway Department at 784-5280, option 1.
Storm Sewer Care
Storm drains remove surface water from Meadowbrook and help keep our streets from flooding and our basements dry. Please keep any storm drains on your property free of leaves and other blockages.
Unlike sanitary sewers, which deliver waste water from our homes to a sewage treatment plant, storm sewers connect Meadowbrook directly with our local waterways. Anything you allow into a storm drain goes directly into our water supply withouth treatment, so please never dump chemical waste or animal waste. Visit h2ohero.org to learn more.
Fire Hydrants
Give your hydrant a hand …and a shovel. A clearly visible, accessible fire hydrant can save your home …or even your life.
Please adopt the hydrant near your home and keep it clear of snow all winter. If a hydrant is buried, it takes a firefighter valuable time and energy to shovel it out to gain access while a fire continues to burn.
Minimally, make sure the hydrant is cleared of snow enough to be visible from the street. Even better, clear the snow three feet all around the hydrant so firefighters have enough room to connect a hose.
In a neighborhood with modest lot sizes and homes in close proximity, consideration for our neighbors is all-important. The paragraph that follows is from the Town of Brighton’s noise ordinance:
No noise from parties, entertainment, music or social gatherings of any kind, whether public or private, shall be such that noise caused by and/or emanating from said use can be heard between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. the following day inside any residence, regardless of whether the windows of such residence are open, or at any other time if said noise is unnecessary or unreasonable under the circumstances.
from the Code of the Town of Brighton
Click here to read the town code online