We maintain three Facebook groups to provide a way for neighbors to easily connect online. They help create an active sense of community day-in and day-out.

Meadowbrook Neighbors Group

You are invited to join your Meadowbrook neighbors on Facebook!

We’ve set up a closed group, and membership is restricted to residents of our neighborhood to protect our privacy. This “digital neighborhood” augments the Meadowbrook Neighborhood Association’s activities by providing a forum for resident-to-resident communication.

Do you want to…
…start a book club?
…compare notes about your experience with a contractor?
…just get to know your neighbors better?

Our Facebook group is the perfect venue for connecting with your neighbors and making the most of your experience here in Meadowbrook.  We look forward to seeing you here and around the neighborhood!

Questions? Please contact our group’s administrators at facebook_group_1@meadowbrookbrighton.org.

How to Join the Neighbors Group

  1. Log in to your Facebook account.
  2. Click here to go to the Meadowbrook group page.
  3. Click the “Join Group” button that overlays the lower-right corner of the Meadowbrook logo.

You’ll receive a notification through Facebook when one of our group’s administrators has verified your identity as a Meadowbrook neighbor and added you to the group!

Meadowbrook Parents Group

The Meadowbrook Parents Group helps connect families in the neighborhood.

Do you want to…
…meet new friends?
…set up a play date for your kids?
…arrange carpools?

We’ve agreed to keep posts about items for sale out of the group, but free kid-related items to be given away are fine.

Questions? Please contact our Parents Group administrator at facebook_group_2@meadowbrookbrighton.org.

How to Join the Parents Group

  1. You must already be a member of the Meadowbrook Neighbors group in order to join the Parents group.
  2. Log in to your Facebook account.
  3. Click here to go to the Meadowbrook Parents group page.
  4. Click the “Join Group” button that overlays the lower-right corner of the banner image.

You’ll receive a notification through Facebook when the group administrator has added you to the group!