Our senior neighbors need a helping hand from time to time… whether it’s yard work, grocery shopping, snow shoveling, or more. The Meadowbrook Household Help for Seniors service arranges a match between a senior who could use a hand and a volunteer with the time, skills, and energy to provide it.

Could you use a little help?
Please contact Adrienne Markus at adriennemarkus@gmail.com or 585-943-4136 and let her know what type of help you need. A friendly Meadowbrook neighbor will be assigned to help you out! All service is voluntary and there is no fee associated with any task.
For Volunteers
If you would like to be part of an “on-call” list of neighbors who are available to help out seniors (or other neighbors who might need a hand), please add your name and contact information to the list. When a request comes in, you will be included in an email and can respond according to your availability and skill set. To add your name, please contact Adrienne Markus at adriennemarkus@gmail.com or 585-943-4136.
Please note:
We maintain a Teen Helpers page that is specifically for teens looking for paid work. Thank you for understanding!
Our Meadowbrook Neighbors Helping Neighbors Facebook group provides a place where anyone, regardless of age, can offer or seek help with everyday tasks or items. Feel free to post on our Facebook page for assistance!